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Earn Money By Writing Online

We have discussed about many programs that grant us money for writing online. Everyone can write online but many fail to earn from them. There may be mistake at any stage. Either at start, or at end. There are regular steps for every program to earn money Online. Following reasons can lead you to failure.

Reason behind Failure in Online Writing

  • Choice of wrong program: Many people invest lots of time and do lot of hard work. At the time of payment they realize that program was scam and all of their hard work vanished. Rejection and Revision rates matter a lot.
  •  Signup Form mistakes:There are many people who fill forms with wrong credentials and at the time of payment they have to verify their identity. At that time many writers fail to verify and hence they loose their money. Sometimes their robot programs detect that you have deceived them, therefore it results in suspension or termination of your account and off course you lose your earnings also.
  • Choice of wrong categories and sections:If the program is legit one then choosing wrong categories will result in failure of you and your career. All the contents are provided on category basis. Many people fail to write on the wrong categories. Because it is too difficult to write on wrong categories.
  • Pre Test Failure or ignorance:On the basis of that test, you are rated. Low quality content gets low rating and high quality content gets higher rating. Rates of the articles are based on initial rating.
  • Copy Paste and Plagiarism: Every program has less tolerance for copy paste. Suppose a program allows you, But you will fail to get traffic.  Publisher of original content can report you. As a result you will be banned.
  • Less attractive Content:Less attractive content is ignored by readers and clients. The article’s boring titles involved in the failure.
  • Low quality.Low quality can throw writer out of the field.
  • Less Promotion:Less promotion of the content can lead writer to low revenue.
  • Less hits: Less hits mean lack of popularity. Less popularity means you are in red zone.
  • Long Titles:Long titles are not good one. They have bad impact on the readers and clients.
    Less seo.
    Less seo based articles are not accepted by writing portals and clients too.
  • Low Respone Rate:Content do not get comments and attention. That means your content can get place in the hot topics and you miss a chance of huge income.
  • Wrong payment options:Wrong payment means you will fail to receive your money.
  • Spellings and grammatical mistakes: Both will result in failure of the content and writer too.
  • Ignoring rules and terms: Every program do not let the members to violate the rules and terms of them.
  • Incomplete Profile:Clients and management thinks that writer is not so serious that he/she did not complete his/her profile even.
  • Bad or abusive Language:Bad language is thing that everyone hates.
  • Criticism on the parent program: All the programs do not allow their users to blame their program. If you got noticed, you will face bad results. There are huge chances of content removal and account suspension.
  • Single Paragraph: Content in one paragraph is accepted nowhere.
  • No revision: If you do not revise then your content will have mistakes for sure.
  • Not completing task in time: If you do not complete the order in time, you lose the reputation. Too much losing the reputations means you will be thrown out of the program.
  • Revealing own mistakes: If you revealed your mistakes, you will be criticized and off course you do not have too much reputation and clients will ignore you. And you will be blamed and most of the people will block you, in order to protect their selves.
  • Ignoring the positive side of anything: If you ignore the positive side, people will blame you. Only criticism will not help you.
  • Attacking any country or public figure:This will result in because most of the readers are citizens of those countries and most are fan of the public figures.
  • Ignoring referral programs: Referral programs are backbones of any Program. That are good source of increasing the revenue.
  • Joining low reputation teams. Low reputation teams can become barrier in the way of success for you.
  • Passive voice in the articles: passive voice has negative impact on your content.
  • Redundancies: Redundancies may lead you to failure.
  • Too much external links:External links are also the reason behind the failure.
  • Short Articles: Short articles impact that writer or author has less knowledge are is only working for quantity not the quality.
  • Long paragraphsLong paragraphs are boring because people want to get their desired information in small amount of time as soon as possible.
  • Dull or the Images with low quality:Dull images also destroy the attractiveness of the content. The high resolution  images are good to see but they are killer of bandwidth and attention of the visitors
  • Ab-sense of sub headings:Absence of sub headers impacts that the content is not so relevant.

Tips to Earn most By Online Writing

  • Signup with Reputed Programs Only:First signup on any well reputed online writing program. There are many well reputed programs, we have listed on our blog. There are three types of programs. First are those who has fixed income on the basis of words and quality and second are those who pay for as long as your content is alive. Both are suitable. If you think your content can get hits for long, then you should choose second one. IF you want to get one time income then first one is suitable for you. Third one is on hourly basis. If you re professional you must join this. You have to fix hourly basis rates yourselves.
  • Stronger Passwords:Make strong password because it secures your online revenue. Your password must have one capital letter, one small letter, at least one integer and password should be minimum of 15 letters.
  • Correct Information during Sign up process.Form should be filled with true credentials.  You must fill form as you fill for job.  Wrong information will result in failure and you may stuck at the time of payment, because you have to verify at the time of payment.
  • Interesting Content:Choose the categories that interests you. Do not choose the categories that do not interest you. There are many chances that you become master in that category in future. Most of the job will be provided to you. Many programs choose the moderators on the basis of your online writings. If you will be master of that category, you will be selected as the moderator of that specific category. And you will earn more income. Your rates will be increased and you will have monthly payment and bonuses also. You also have many authorities. You will have some special characters and many other features to write the content.
  • Verification of Identity:Verify your email address, that maximizes your exposure and you become valid member.  This leads you to verified members. At the time of forgetting password, it will help you also.
  • Upload a profile picture. Picture should be attractive. It is easier for readers to recognize your writings. Also programs moderators and clients think that you are serious about the program.
  • Unique and Hot: Articles should be unique and hot. Higher rates and more traffic will arrive at your writings and you will become popular soon.
  • Attraction: Articles should be attracting. Attractive articles get the readers. Title of the article should be attractive or that people like to read.
  • Quality:Article should have quality. More the quality your content will have, more clients will prefer you.
  • Link promotion:Get the link of your articles or writing. After posting article you must generate the links. That can be used in future articles and portfolios also.Share the link on social networks and all over the internet. These are good ways to get hits to your content.
  • Social Visibility:Use Facebook pages to increase hits. In this way, you will have a circle of same interest around you.
  • Visitors Exchange:Use some kind of visitor exchanging sites.
  • Sharing on relevant content:Share your writings on all forums that allow you to share.
  • Search Engine Targeting:Google and other search engines are good source of traffic. If you have quality posts the Google will index that at higher search.
  • Alive and interesting:Do not make a dead and boring topic. They will get visitors in years.Instead alive and interesting have good impression
  • Prefer News Websites:If you can rewrite news then share it social media. Most chances are that you will earn more credit.
  • Responsive: Create content that gets comment. It will involve your audience into your site.
  • No Plagiarism: Do not copy paste there. else you will be penalized.
  • Zero or less Outbound Links: Do not share links of other sites.
  • Game and Application Reviews: It will be good if you review games and software there. These are most searched on internet.
  • Follow the Terms and conditions: Follow the terms and conditions of the parent site. You will never lose any penny.
  • Copy Rights:Stay ways from copy-write material and you will have less risks.
  • Buy Traffic:If you can buy some hits at cheaper rates then use this strategy. But it should comply with terms and condition of the site.
  • Good Language:Never use some kind of bad language in your writings. Good language is attractive also.
  • Gentle:Be gentle in your writings so people visit your site again and again.
  • Master and Professionalism:Show yourself as master in the field, in which you are writing for.
  • Get   Referrals:Referral program is the backbone of any program. IF you manage to get referrals, you will be rewarded also for activity of your referral.
  • Avoid redundancies in your content
  • Content should be long and should be more than 800 words. The article I am currently writing is more than 2000 words. But keep in mind that your content should be splitted into small paragraphs.
  • Always check your inbox about new promotions and changes in the programs.
  • Always write like a ghost writer. Do not be smart any more than ghost writer. If you be smart, you must keep in mind that you are ghost writer.
  • You should write of your level, suppose if you are earning $80-$90 per article then you should try to write articles of this range, not the lower.
  • Your article should be of multiple paragraphs. First one should be introducer paragraph, there should be minimum two backup paragraph and at last the article should be closed with closing paragraph.
  • Always talk good about the parent writing portal. If they noticed you, they will promote your articles, in order to promote themselves.
  • Always respect all the countries of the globe and public figures. Their followers will love you and may be bookmark and share your content also.
  • Always keep a list of good clients and bad clients. This will help the writers in maximizing their reputation.
  • Always revise your article, this prevents the mistakes and also if this is possible, you should revise it loudly. It will help you in recognizing the mistakes in your content.
  • If you do not like any user, simply block that, same way if you do not like any article, report that, but do not argue the user.
  • Be member of well reputed teams, because clients prefer them and you will have a golden  chance to earn a big amount of money.
  • Use passive voice in your wrings, if you managed this, readers will think that you are professional one.
  • Your article should be useful. Readers read only articles that are useful for them. This is the main requirement from author or the writer.
  • Article titles should be shorter. They have good impact on the readers and clients too.
  • There should be fancy images. Readers are attracted by the taste of the author.
  • Article should have sub headers, it catches the visitor. IF you are blogger then keywords should be part of headers.
Hope these all will help you, Visit this article time by time, we will update this time by time also.


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