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Earn Money By writing on Hubpages

What is Hubpages?

Hubpages is an online community that pays you for creating hubs and doing other activities like interacting with other users, their posts and contests also. They provide a platform to earn money online by writing. The most of the users do blogging and share their own opinions and thoughts without limitations and hesitations. They are paid according to the quality, visitors and the numbers of click their content generates The revenue is added such that author of the content receives sixty percent income from his/her content and other forty percent goes in the pocket of Hubpages team. There is no special formula for their team because it was never asked or shared and no one tried to do so. Earnings may be slower at start but when you will be familiar with them then you will see the rise in your income. If you do not want to earn money from them then it do not lose its importance because it has very huge collection of information as the Wikipedia and other search engines has. IF you are new to writing and blogging field then you must practice your writing skills on Hubpages first. This will improve both your blogging and writing skills. The webmasters are getting backlinks from them and are improving their ranking and also the income. I cannot express the popularity of the Hubpages with the help of Alexa and other ranking sites because it changes day by day and it will be not possible for me to update my content daily because I update too many content on my web daily and many new ideas are added daily right here.

Is Hubpages Scam?

Hubpages is as much trusted as much we can trust on Google. If we notice they are semi Google service, because they love Google services and they pay via Google AdSense. But in real they have no link with Google directly. The founders of this writing sites were employee of the Microsoft. The program is online for more than 7 years and I have never found any Hubpages user complaining about them. They are considered as most legit one. They have their offices everywhere and Head quarter is in San Francisco If someone violates their terms then they have right to penalize violators. I do not say you will earn too much there but I say you will earn enough. Some people are crazy about Hubpages, they think that they will earn lots of money on first day. But it will take time for a writer to enjoy the fruit from Hubpages. How a program can be scam that shares profit from the content of the users. They also earn from the content of the user, so they won’t kick their revenue that they make every day. Sometimes earnings are slower at start. There is no program that maximizes your earnings first day. I am earning more than 60% of my income from Hubpages and AdSense. It took time to earn my first income from them. It was little bit late but later the speed was boosted and I was able to see increase in my income day by day.  The only bad thing about them is that they are US based. If you use their earnings program, you have to provide them with the Tax information. Some bad things about them is that some admins and staff of them is very much unfamiliar with Proper English and some of them has poor English even. The Other bad thing they have is that they do not rank the good content on top because they do not have a proper algorithm even. Their admins has very bad habit that they do not moderate properly because most of the content is either irrelevant to the title or the tags are not related to the title and content. After using any Revenue sharing site, you will get single lesson at the end of the day. That is “Never use any other Platform to post your content on internet than your own site”. Another reason behind some bad reviews is that they require the Google AdSense account in order to get paid from them and it is not a piece of cake to be approved from AdSense. Anyhow this is not the fault of Hubpages but this is only fault of the writer whose poor content do not meet the minimum requirements of the Google ad program.
There are many methods to earn from Hubpages that we are going to discuss after the signup procedure.

How To Use Hubpages

Below few paragraphs will contain  the material that will help you to understand the program better and the way to earn some bucks.

Step1: Signup om Hubpages:

Now it is easy to sign up with Hubpages because you can register there directly and you do not need any invitation or invitation code. You can go to the homepage directly and click on Register or signup button available at their home. If this is not appearing then click on login button and a pop up will appear, just click on I do not have an account and it will redirect you to the signup form. To access the site’s futures and earning career, you must be registered user. Fill registration with correct and exact data as you have submitted in your payment processors and Google AdSense. If you became tricky then it may be hurdle for you in future especially when you are going to redeem your earnings. Many users hesitate to fill the form. For their information, the registration form is simple. They do not ask any unnecessary things. Registration form is similar to registration form of webmail and questionnaire of the survey panels. If you have not signed up on Payment processors and Google AdSense yet then save the data you have provided on registration form in the shape of document on your hard drive. It may be helpful for you in future when you forget your password or your account and account password is hacked or compromised. Administration also can ask you of this data. They will ask about your subdomain at that time. Choose it carefully because it will be address of your newly website address. Address should be relevant to the niche, theme, title and content you are going to publish there. Your registration is incomplete until you verify your email address.

Step2: Complete Profile

As you will be registered, before any other activity, you must complete your profile. Completing profile is similar to the social media profiles. But remember that your profile has too much impact on your content. IF you have funny picture and funny credentials and you are not blogging about some serious issue then readers will not give it too much importance. If you missed any field or profile picture then also people will not give you so much importance as much they give the people having profile photos. It would be good if you choose any unique photo.

Step3: Start Creating Hubs

You are with candle in hand. You just have to place the landmark. Good content is the thing that makes difference. Try to place the Images related with content also there. Keyword is the thing that will affect you there. More you will focus on Keywords the more you will earn because you will get more Traffic from Google and other Search engines when you will adopt the Keyword strategy. Three things matter a lot on your content and hubs. Here are guidelines for writing on Hubpages.


Google and other search engines always love content that is never seen before on internet. Search engines always make updates in order to provide internet users with high quality and rich content. Similarly Hubpages wants to see more visibility of their content on internet. This is not possible to get more visibility without unique and plagiarism free content. Google penalizes the sites that are having copied content. That’s why they are more sensitive about this issue. Suppose if they allow the content then what you think, is it will be possible for a user who copies content get more page views and visibility as compared to owner of the content. I will suggest you to use some extra ordinary technique or prefer your own favorite content or you love. Make the difference in your content by your own style. Do not hesitate with your own style.  Every writer will ask me that it will be too time consuming to write such hubs. For them I inform that one quality post is better than millions of the posts that do not have such quality. The quality posts are mostly back linked by the other others and webmasters.


If you want to keep interest in your content and make your own place on search engine then you must make your content continuous.  Search engines first show fresh content in search results and old content later. It saves you from the loss of regular visitors and visibility on internet.


Quantity also matters there. As you cannot do programming well without syntax and sequence, same way you cannot do well in Hubpages without quality and quantity. If you have quality then you can use it with the combination of quantity and you can earn more in this way. Quality brings visitors and quantity increases revenue. Do not stop at any moment but post whenever you manage small piece of time. In this way your revenue will increase for sure. You will be paid for your new posts also. You should keep in mind that all the posts do not give you revenue, Therefore this will be done by the other extra posts. If you are newbie and want to learn and improve the skills then they have arranged courses to make you professional. You can get guidelines from the Hubpages Learning Center.


It is suggested to write content about a specific niche and all future post should be about that niche. People having same interests will bookmark you and will visit you again and again. If the author posts random articles then it becomes too difficult to interlink articles and get bookmarked and followed with the people of all interests. People will try to read your all post if you write and post about specific category and field. Your title should also relevant to the content you have. In same way tags should be bigger. I will suggest you to combine multiple small tags. As you can write butter shop instead of two separate tags butter and shop.


If you are going to write then do two things before writing. First research the interest of the internet user and second research about the topic for which you are going to write. By researching the hot topics of the day will tell you that what people are trying to access. For this Google trends is suitable. Today was mother’s day and when I researched then I knew that more than fifty thousand peoples of my very small city has searched for quotes, pictures and videos that were relevant to the theme of the day. I have posted about this great topic and I managed to get a big amount of traffic today that was quite more than the traffic of my city. Second one is research of the topic. The research will increase your knowledge about the topic and you will be able to write more relevant and better.

Interlinking and back linking:

if you have relevant content or you are writing the content in series then you can interlink your old articles with latest articles. This will provide you better ranking and also the visitors to old published articles.  Try to interlink as low as you can because too much interlinking in a post results in the less attention of the visitors. If you make backlinks for your site then you should make backlinks for your hubs also. In this way your content visibility will be improved and you will see the improvement of search engine results also. You should read guidelines about backlinking from the search engines instead you may face loss or de-indexation. The links should be relevant to the topic and prefer to interlink than outer links. At least at start you must not do any kind of out linking activity because you can be blocked and if you did so in future then your content may be disapproved or deleted. They are no follow also, this means this is not so worth to get too many links from them.

Pictures and Videos:

Author must add pictures and videos relevant to content. Both should be unique. Pictures and videos explain your content in better way. If someone fails to understand the content then he/she can get help from pictures and videos. But it is mostly observed that readers love pictures than the video. But videos depicts the level of interest and experience of the author. Keep in mind the Copy Right guidelines before posting any picture or videos.

Respect and Manners:

Always stay away from hate speech or to fight with visitors. Because you can be banned. Anyhow no one loves hate speech. Hate speech is thing that can become barrier between you and visitors. Try to respect everyone. Villon for you can be the hero of the visitors. You have always to satisfy the visitor, not yours. When the visitor will be happy, you will become happy automatically when your wallet will be filled with the bucks. Always pretend in comments that you have similar thought as the visitor has.

Sharing and Promoting:

 Sharing is good one technique to increase the traffic on your Hubpages based blog. Now search engines love the most shared and liked content on social networks. Suppose you have more than 5000 followers and friends. You post one link on your wall or via status update then surely more than 2000 will like and more than 1000 will share. Similarly their friends will do and you will receive lots of visitors and the likes and shares. This also makes you popular on social network and you will get more friends and followers of the same interest you have. In other way you can create social pages, groups and communities relevant to Hubpages and you can get more people who loves to use Hubpages. Good thing about other writing sites is that they allow you to send traffic but they do not care whether you are using right way to get traffic or spamming but Hubpages maters it. You are not allowed to send traffic from any spam methods.

Affiliate Programs:

To maximize your revenue you can add the products relevant to the content. You can also add Amazon, Clickbank, EBay and other affiliate programs has the affiliate links. Whenever someone buys the product through your referral link, you are rewarded with the commission according to the content you have. In other way you Sign up with Clickbank and make your site where you advertise your products and make backlinks to your site in order to increase your earnings. You can use Other Programs like EBay and Amazon for affiliated earnings also. That will help you also in reaching minimum payout there or you will increase your budget there, if you buy from them. It is good if you review products and add your affiliate links inside you can increase earnings. But it needs more skills. It is not so easy to make mind of the reader to buy the products. But not impossible, Many Peoples are doing this job and they are successful also. If you learned this technique, you are going to make a huge amount of Money. You should be tricky when you are going to insert any kind of affiliate link, else you may be penalized by Hubpages. Prefer to enjoy the juice of single ingredient, else you may lose the taste of multiple ingredients.

Sell Your EBooks: 

Write EBooks and promote them via your Hubpages. We have discussed briefly How to make EBooks in Earn Money by Clickbank. Anyhow I will try to explain it more in near future on my Real Earning Blog with specific discussions. What kind of EBook should be sold is absolutely your next question then I am going to explain by giving you example of an EBook that is being sold for 3 dollars on amazon and covers the same article you are reading here. This shows that you can write an EBook on any topic that you loved or you researched well.

Do not hesitate:

Another thing that you have to require is to stay away from hesitation. You may feel that it will be too much difficult to start career among lots of professional writers and hubbers than do not worry because they have learning academy and if you do not want to join their learning academy then they show hints also. They have guidelines for every task you have to do. Their guidelines has been improved in last nine years .Another issue for beginners is that they feel complex about the visibility then you do not need to worry of it because beginner’s content is more visible than the professional. This is the good for beginners and somehow bad for professional. This is anyhow bug and professionals will have some kind of solution for these kind of issues. Whenever you will be professional, you will be able to earn more and get rid of some bad factors of this revenue generating program.

How to Increase Income from Hubpages

It will not possible to get your desired result at start of the day and business. If you have other type of activities like blogging and other online jobs then get time for your hubs time by time. Two or three posts in a week are enough if you are busy, more posts will be encouraged. After 1 to 2 years you will see a surprising income of you. In order to increase page views to your content, you need to add polls. This will not only increase hits but also you will know about the interest of the users. 
Every article on their site receives score and points according to the quality of the content you have posted there. This score is granted by the officials of Hubpages. The rich content gets higher score where poor content gets low score. This score can be seen along the profile of the author.

Hubpages Advertisement Program.

This is similar program like Google AdSense. You can also call it alternative of Google AdSense. If you do not want to show ads of Google AdSense then you can avail the affiliate program of Hubpages.   There is no special criteria for this program. After your successful registration, you are able to use this program. Not this you can use Amazon and eBay affiliates programs also.

Hubpages Contest: 

This is another one opportunity to earn some extra money. The more active you will be the more chances you will get to attain this landmark.

Earn Money by Referring to Hubpages:

Like every good and successful online earnings program they also have a referral program where you can earn money by referring users to their program on behalf of you. You will receive ten percent income of your referral for lifetime. Is not it gold mine?


You must have a strategy in order to increase your income. The best strategy is use your Facebook pages and lead the traffic. The Better strategy is that you should hire some freelance writers that will write for you and you should share some of your revenue among them. If you are not available for any reason then you must hire any moderator that will manage your content and responses your content in absence of you because too much absence results in losses or in cut of income. This not only affects your income from blogging but also from the affiliate networks.

Pay Rate:

The pay is on the basis of hits and page views your content receives. You will be paid ten dollars for every one thousand page views. That is quite more than the ExpertsColumn because they pay only one dollar for one thousand page views your content receives.

Alternate Of YouTube:

 Like YouTube, you can earn money on Hubpages by uploading video, uploading them is not so difficult task. Just snap a video and upload there and get extra income from internet daily by doing nothing.


Patience is the only thing you are requested to stay longer and earn higher there. Because this is not like High yield programs. You have to create reputation and way through lots of other users. There are many success stories that left them due to lack of patience and later returned there and became gurus.

Promote Other’s Content:

Now you will laugh at me for sure because you will say it is right to earn money from your own content but what is the technique behind the earning money from other’s content. Then for your satisfaction, it is possible to earn money from the other’s content. They pay more than 10% income for visitor that you brought to other’s content. You just have to add your referral link at the end of link of other’s content and promote wherever you can. Whoever will visit the content with your referral link, your income will increase. 

Create Your Portfolio with Hubpages

If you are looking for online work then you can link your hubs to your Portfolios. People may hire you or you will get more online jobs and offers. You may earn more with that because people will try to comment there also. You will get 2 things. Money and Jobs also. If not you will get good kind of suggestions.

Is Hubpages alternative of blog and website?

If you are not too much professional then you must test your skills on Hubpages first. When you will have better skills and improvement then you can start your own website or blog in parallel. Because Hubpages gives only sixty percent revenue to the user and remaining forty percent is added into account of Hubpages.  When you will have your own webpage you will get all the fruit and taste yourself. After creating your own website, it is not wise to leave Hubpages. If you did so, you will lose extra income. As I have too many websites but I post there time by time because ignoring them may vanish my already done hard work. I post the hubs there and relate them to the old one. In this way both my new and old content gets visits and hits and I receive hundred percent from my web and sixty percent from them. Good thing is that my fans are not disappointed from me there.

How Revenue is divided on Hubpages

This is the most asked question that what is rule for dividing income between the author and Hubpages. The Rule is simple that you post there. After sometime, mostly instantly Google ads appear there in front of your content. Those ads are shown such that at least 60 times your ads are displayed and 40 times the Hubpages for each 100 times. That 40 percent is further divided to the person who referred you.

How to Withdraw Money from Hubpages

There are many ways to take money out from Hubpages. Hubpages do not add any untrusted payment processor or programs. This is why Hubpages do not support the payment processors. They are using the most trusted programs like Google AdSense, Amazon and EBay. To redeem your money you must attach the following to your account/profile.

(i). Google AdSense:

The most trusted program on Internet because Google holds this out. There is 0% scam from Google because they are the leading and competitive. You can find the AdSense number that is unique for everyone and check it twice that your number is correct because on this number your payments will be sent. This is must must step to earn money from them.

(ii). EBay:

I have never used this program but it is trusted one. You will ask why I do not use this program. The only reason is that I am member of many programs already and it is not possible for me to grant proper time to this program. I hope you will find the code without any hesitation. If there is any difficulty accessing then comment this article and I will help you.

(iii). Amazon Affiliate Number: 

Amazon is the leading business after Google. I am also part of this program and earning a huge income. Just add the number to Hubpages and enjoy the ever increasing income from Hubpages.


I have never found a trusted and legit program that excludes the PayPal from their payment system. If you do not know how to withdraw money from PayPal from unsupported countries then our other articles will help you.

Hubpages Payment Proof

First month I have made 15 hubs and I received revenue of almost 20 dollars. Next month I have added 7 more and this time my income of the month reach 26 dollars. As my earnings were increasing day by day, I decided to write one hub in 3 days. So I was able to write hubs one day and other two days for other activities like Forex and other online programs. At the end of the month my total posts reached 30+. Sometimes I was able to write more than 3 posts a day and my earnings of the day more than 40 dollars a day. This continued for months and I was able to get 3 dollars of each hub for every month. I was able to reach the amount of 100 dollars a month. One of my regular visitors asked me to start my own blog or site. After starting my own blog, I managed to write 5 hubs a month. This continued for months and my monthly income reached more than 300 dollars. My total income for first year was about 1322 dollars. I was having more than 150 posts first year. This shows that I was earning average 2 dollars per hub for every month and average yearly 9 dollars per hub and was earning average 110 dollars a month. Now I am thinking to write at least 7 posts a month and reach the 300 posts at the end of the year. But now my speed is increasing and maybe I will focus on 50 posts a month in order to reach the 500 posts this year. Another technique that I am thinking is to invest some of my earnings and may give some money to any search engine optimization expert and some good article writer. That will be the best investment from my side. May be I will be able to reach my aim of 20 dollars a day at the end of this year. SO that at the weekend I will be able to get my payment from AdSense. These all incomes are exclusive of Amazon and other affiliate incomes that my content has generated. I used small amount of affiliate links in my content to prevent myself from penalties, disapproval and infractions.


This is not so difficult to earn from Hubpages as it seems. Here is the cycle in which you can see the ways to earn via Hubpages
Earn Money By Hubpages


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