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Earn Money By ClickBank

I was thinking to share other online earning Opportunity on Blog. There were discussions of Clickbank also. So I preferred to discuss Clickbank first.  This is most trusted program so I am going to review it first. Many people are part of this program and many people are becoming part of this opportunity.
 First thing to know about the program is what is Clickbank?
What is Clickbank?
Clickbank is an affiliate program where you generate your income by selling products and you get the commission up to 70%.
What kind of Products I have to sell?
This is most asked question when we review some kind of affiliate program. All the products are
  1.       eBooks
  2.       Digital

How to Start?
First and off course must do step is signing up on ClickBank. Signup is too easy as 123... Simply click on Signup Button On middle of next line.

After signup verify your email address. You just have to go to mailbox and visit the link in the email from Clickbank
                When your signup is complete you are done, you can start earning money. There are many ways to earn money From Clickbank. But there are two major ways to earn money from ClickBank.
1.       By Selling your Own Products.
2.       By promoting other’s Products.
Earn Money by selling your own product:
For this you have vendor account of clickbank.
You just have to upload your product in the Marketplace of Clickbank and advertisers will do work for you as you do in advertising. There is only one difficulty of writing. Just write yourself or upload some local book or some posts. If you cannot do that then hire a freelancer. If you can write your own book then there is only one difficulty of unique and stylish Cover.
How to Create Cover of your EBooks:
There are two ways to make your cover
   1.       By using some kind of software’s like  Photoshop and Cover Action Pro
   2.       BY using some kind of third party Websites like MyeCoverMaker.
   Earn Money from promoting other products:
  1.       Go to Marketplace
  2.       Browse products by Category. (If you want to run longer in this business then choose the category as your interest matches.
One Thing will puzzle you is Gravity
 What is Gravity?
  Simple gravity is like ranks. It tells how much the product is popular. How much this product is popular? All the gravity data is of last two months so you do not worry and pick the products whose between 6 and 60.
   3.       Now choose Product and click on Promote Button.
   When you will click on Promote there, two textboxes will appear.
a.       Nick Name: Here you will write your nick name as you have mentioned in your registration Form.
b.      Tracking Id: If you want to keep record of your products then fill the Tracking id. Tracking id will become part of your referring link. To check statistics of your product go to Reporting section
4.       Now major step comes of Promotion of your products.
There are many ways to promote your product but I am going to show you some of them.
    Blogs and Websites.
   Websites and blogs are best way to increase your affiliate earnings. You just have to merge your referral link in your content.
   Email Marketing:
This is another one good method to promote your referral link of Clickbank affiliate products. But it is too much irritating for readers if you do too much spamming. Make your emails attractive so people like to visit your product page.
   Social Media:
Social media is great tool. Either if you want to promote your product or promote affiliate link of any product. There are more chances of visibility of your product via social media. But always keep in mind, stay away from spamming.


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