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Earn Money by Investing on 4FXINVESTMENT

                              !!!Scam !!!
Sorry to tell this Program is no more. Hope you will understand
Earn Money by Investing on 4FXINVESTMENT
Earn Money by Investing on 4FXINVESTMENT
In Last few of My Articles we have discussed lots of HYIPS. There are many Friends who are visiting this blog first time therefore they are unable to understand it very much. For their guidelines and help we have added another article How to Earn Money by HYIPS. I have updated that article also. The article is in simple English. It is just because the beginners and People who belong to the countries having English as second language. That article not only covers the Basics and guidelines about the High Yield Investment Programs but that article also covers the risk management of High yield Programs.
In earlier posts we have discussed the fxeasytrade. That Program was also being financed by this program also. This was came to notice when Fxeasytrade turned scam same day when 4FXINVESTMENT also turned scam. I do not say that that Fxeasytrade is using the same program. But it may be possible that both have same admin or both are investing in another program which turned scam.
There were many reasons that is why I choose this program to Invest in this program.
  • When I joined this program, the program was having more than one year of Paying. I visited all the High yield Monitors and 4FXinvestment was having the highest ranking there. This was the most paid program I ever know.
  • The program was requesting the lowest investment. It was lowest because this was only then dollars. It is not the lowest for me and you but the people of such programs considers this the lowest. I also observed that there was very small amount of Investment Programs that were having the lowest deposit amount. Most of the programs were exceeding than one hundred dollars.
  • Many of my friends were also part of this High yield. They were paid and they shared the payment proofs with me and I have also seen most of the payment proofs on social media. I was also paid by this program many times.
  • Another thing that I was known that they have good and instant support. When I joined that program, I was not having any payment processor’s account. As the section was compulsory so I have inserted Liberty Reserve account number of my friend. Since I was thinking to invest money but there was an issue of false information in the field of Payment Processor. I contacted their support and asked to change the account number of my E wallet. They did this in the same day.
  • They were paying more than one percent daily. Good thing that they provided one hundred and ten percent after ten days. This means they were returning capital along the commission also. That is good when you are going to invest big amount in such programs. 

My Experience and 4FXINVESTMENT Payment Proof

I have invested 10 dollars on 14th of March 2013. The commission along with ten percent of capital amount was added to the profit section of my account on 15th of the same month. I was quite happy. Next day. I shocked when my account was not credited. When I searched through the internet, I came to know that program do not work on weekends similar to the Fxeasytrade. I waited for two days and requested for Payment on 17th of April that year. I just requested for ten cents in order to check that whether the program was scam or legit. My Liberty Reserve was credited. As the Liberty Reserve is also down. I am unable to share the original payment screenshot of My E-wallet. Anyhow I am going to share the payment proof that I have shared in the comment section below this post. I deleted the comment from the blog because the program was dead. But luckily that is saved on the storage of My Computer.
I have posted few payment proofs also but it is extreme bad of luck that when the program turned scam, I preferred to delete those. As they paid me for first time, I became greedy and my greed forced me to invest the profit there also. This continued for one week and after one week my credit stopped to increase. As I look through the Hyips monitors, most they were having the status as Paying and some active were having status as waiting. I waited for one week and they do not processed the Payments. The Program was a scam. I lost both the profits and my investments also.



  1. Dear Noor,
    You have received a payment to your account Uxx3x9x5 (Noor Islam):
    Date: 3/17/2013 5:07 AM
    Batch: 136042521
    From Account: U6226237 (4Fx Investment)
    Amount: $0.10
    Memo: Withdraw to islamnoor34 from 4FX Investment
    Thank you


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