Weezo (OKPAY) is another payment processor with high quality services and and well reputed support.
Is Weezo (OKPAY) scam?
1. Now a days there are many complains about their support because of slower response and verification of accounts.This is not the story of a single one but there are too much complains about them.(They are now sensitive because of Liberty Reserve scandal. It is all about the secruity of the user. Suppose if some bad person sends you the payment mistakenly or wants to trap innocent then it will not easier for him/her to trap you.)
2. If you luckily get verified in time then they mostly ask for verification at the time of transfers or redemption.(This is all because of Funding laws by the authorities.)
3. Third bad thing about them is that they they do not accept any document like other payment processors. They do not accept the driver license.
4. They have bad system of emails and payments. sometimes they transfer late and sometimes their emails arrives late.
5. Poor English of their support is headache yet. Anyhow they will manage to fix this issue.
6. They are ignoring Indians. No one knows the reason. Is this racism?
What is Weezo (OKPAY)?
It is most Popular Payment processor due To their Debit Card. It is easy to withdraw money from Weezo (OKPAY) as compared to other Payment Processors. They are also popular due to bit-coins. Bitcoin was having Weezo (OKPAY) as their only payment processor sometimes.What is Fee Of Weezo(OKPAY?
They are the only payment processors with lowest fees.
Deposit Fee: Deposit fee is zero. They do not take any buck for depositing money to them.
Internal Transfer Fee: Their internal Fee is very small as it is to be negligible. Their internal fee is less then 1% but the half of one percent. This grants the users internal freedom for Internal Transfers.
As they have changed the platform hence they are no more available to my country.
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