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LibertyReserve & Scandals

!!!Liberty Reserve is Facing Scandal, So it has been closed till unknown date.!!!

What is Liberty Reserve and Actual Reason behind the closing of Liberty Reserve
What is Liberty Reserve and Actual Reason behind the closing of Liberty Reserve
Welcome to Online Earning without Investment tips. We were continuously discussing high yield and micro surfers programs. All of them were having Liberty Reserve as their major Payment Processor. The Liberty Reserve was popular in online earning programs like Paid to click, hyips, freelancers, Forex firms, Auto and manual surfers. All of their popularity was just because of their services and other things that we are going to discuss them in brief.

API system

They were having an amazing api system. It was too much easier for users as well as merchants to receive and send payments online

Best Support

They were having best support of all times. Users were responded very fast. Users do not have to wait for their reply because they reply on email address of the users. User do not have to stay online just for reply of them.

Instant Payments:

All of their payments were instant. The payment was just game of one to two clicks. You do not had to provide your documents at the time of Payment as you had to in OKPAY.
They were the payment processor with high security as follow

IP security

If you tried to use some other IP or you logged in through other one’s pc then they will send you verification SMS or email according to the medium as you had chosen in the settings tab.

Pin Security:

Like PayPal they demand for the pin at the time of transaction. If you do not have then you do not will be able to use their services for the account

Inactive log out

 If some member remained inactive for fifteen minute then they will log out for sure. As a result you have to log in again and again.

Master key

This was another key than pin key. You have to provide the key at the time of logging or changing settings like changing password or email or any other setting like auto payments or manual payments. etc.


 At the time of payment they send the confirmation SMS or email contains a unique code. You won’t be able to transfer money until you provide them with the code specified in the email. That code will be unique for Email.


They send a report of every transfer at your email and cellphone via SMS. For SMS reports you have to tick the option of SMS in the setting tab. (They may charge you for that but that will not be too much.)

Referral Program:

They were having a referral program also. If you do not have any source of funding payment processor then you can deposit money for free to Liberty Reserve with this program. You just have to refer friends and you will receive payments for every transfer or deposit.

How to deposit money in Liberty Reserve?

There were three methods to deposit money in Liberty Reserve account of you.
•    Via Friends: If you have some trusted friend and family member then you can buy liberty Reserve money from him /her. This is best method to have money without paying any fees.
•    Payments: if you are part of any online program then you can choose Liberty Reserve as your default payment Processor. This is better than buying.
•    Forex Firms:  This is good option to exchange money from your Wallets. If you are interested then here are some trusted Forex Firms
•    Online Money Exchangers: If you do not have above sources then you can use that one. I do not trust them. I will not suggest you also. But you can use some online exchangers listed on their website.
•    Liberty Reserve Credit Card: liberty reserve also grants you with their credit card.

How to withdraw Money from Liberty Reserve:

All the methods to withdraw money are similar as I mentioned above.
•    Sell to your friends: You can sell your liberty reserve money to your friends in exchange of some local currency. There can be many local guys that can exchange money for you
•    Forex Firms: You can invest your money in Forex firms and can get into their banks, credit cards or E-Wallets with zero fee.
•    Money Exchangers: You can withdraw money from exchangers also. Trusted programs can be seen on the official Site of Liberty Reserve.
•    Liberty Reserve Credit Card: The Card is also good for withdrawing money from them

 Liberty Scandal:

Liberty Reserve owner was committed in Money laundering. All of his assets were frozen and now he has been arrested and site has been shut down by the FBI. All the users are unable to take their money back. Some of the trusted programs got scammed due to this unexpected scandal. Many Programs stopped to pay users. Some programs reduced the rates and some programs delayed the payments for long periods. Many sites lost visitors and some users lost websites.
A huge amount of online users and online earners left internet forever and many sites failed to pay their hosting and domain expenses. Now there are only few question from innocent peoples that
•    Will they get their Money back?
    I don't think so, i have never seen such program that has faced any scandal and has returned. They earn more in scandals then why they should come back and lose all they have earned
•    If the owners of Liberty Reserve are responsible then the innocent users of that program are also responsible.
No Users are not respnsible but may be inquiries can take to the bad people but there are less chances of such things.
•    Will their losses will be claimed?
When the administrator is in the jail then who will claim those. When he will be released then it will be too late to claim. People will forget it totally.
•    They would be granted interest
No. When they have not mentioned any interest in their terms so forget them.
•    Will they will be rewarded with the rate of Dollar and euro at the time of shutting down of the program.
In above all points there is answer of this confusion.We highly recommend you that you do not Invest or deposit any money In Liberty Reserve because there are minimal chances of Liberty Reserve’s comeback. I will say zero chances. I have never experienced that any scam program returned. No need to see back, Just move to another program and another Payment with high reputation.


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