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Scams Behind Ad Posting and Data Entry Jobs

Online Money making has been become most favorite of all people whether they have facility of Internet or not. The one who has internet always try to search. The one who has no internet go to the people who has internet and ask them to find an offline job. If not then at least any online job that pay more than any offline job. This is the way the online jobs and money making through internet has been become essential for many people. As they ask other peoples to provide them opportunities or at least some kind of guide lines.
Most of them are miss guided and others are guided in such way that they stop to believe in online earnings. As one of my friend found an advertisement which was offering some online jobs from home. He became part of them. As he joined there, first month of his online job that was ad posting passed better. Later on they started to decrease rates. This continued as much long that his earnings were decreased from the users of any paid to click program.
Scams Behind Ad Posting and Data Entry Jobs
Scams Behind Ad Posting and Data Entry Jobs

This is not the single story that people has been scammed, they are attracted with good offers. I know many people personally who left their full time job for the sake of the online job and after few months they were scammed and they looked for worst job in order to earn livelihood for their family who is already having the debts.
Why not people think that the person who is referring them is not availing such great offer and is bypassing his/her future for you. They just need some people for experiment. They take peoples one who can meet their requirement of foolishness. They just need a sacrifice in order to perform their experiment. They will never leave the permanent job and rush you to the scams.
Same thing I have seen when I saw an ad of online data entry job that was quite attracting. As I read the address I came to know that the advertiser do not have any house to live either. I left for his apartment. I was surprised to see that he was not having good quality food to survive even and his education was touching the matriculation. I was ashamed that I have done graduation and I came to meet a person with just middle standard for the sake of job. After some I came to know that he was no more than a goon.
When I asked for job, he demanded money for the premium membership. I asked how much, he told me the same amount equal to my pay. I forced him to tell me the maximum earnings that I can make through the premium membership that he was offering. He told me that I can earn my monthly pay in just one hour. My monthly pay was $300 dollars. From his statement I could make the same amount from internet as much he demanded for first an hour.
He tried to convince me to pay for membership about an hour. As clocked ticked an hour, I observed that if he is right then he has lost more than 300 dollars just in convincing and arguing with me. Then I asked him, he told me that he is resting because he has earned too much in the morning and he was fed up and thinking to go to any high class restaurant.
After too much convincement of him, I agreed to him for only one condition that I will work there for an hour and if I made three hundred dollars just in one hour then I will pay him. He replied me that it will take more than 6 hours for the activation of membership. I argued that I will come after the six hours with payment when my account will ready. He asked me to pay him so that he could send the payment to the main head quarter of the company. I asked about headquarters, he told me of foreign country. I asked him about address of the headquarters, he granted me at least. One of my friend and my blog reader lives in the same city. I asked him to verify the company, he told me there is no company with such name exists. For my own satisfaction, I have tried to find that location via Google earth and other satellite, mapping and GPS services and I found nothing other than a lake of water.
Other thing that he told me that he used to send payment via offline banks to the head quarter of the company. The payment reaches in few hours. Luckily I used to send payment via offline banks those days.  There was no bank that could send the payment to foreign countries in less than three days those days.
I do not joined them but anyhow they convinced a lot of the people in the city for this grand scam behind ad posting jobs. Few days later there was no office of that kid. The people lost their invested money.
This is not the first scam. Before and after that many companies come online and offline that promise to pay users for online jobs. Many people scammed but no one stopped. The people are still believing in those thugs and are ruining their time and precious money for a thing that is exporting nothing other than scams and frauds.
As compared to western countries, Asian countries has more scams like this. This is all because the Asian countries has bigger crisis like power and water. They are focusing on the crisis and these companies are looting their public. If these companies are started in the western countries the law and other agencies will keep an eye. The owner has to register and submit data before starting these companies. If the companies tried to do the same scam, the company staff has no other place than the jails.
Asian countries should impose laws in order to keep check and balance on the organizations that are looting peoples. There are many companies in the Asian countries that are working without any permission of the government.  The law makers should make laws such that no company will be able to start work without permission of the authorities. The registered company in Asian countries has no check and balance and many organizations skip the taxes. This is why those countries are not progressing well. Everyone should be made responsible to pay taxes. The people who try to scam should be hanged at once. This will not only save the money of people but also their precious time. Because one scam takes more than one month of one user. Suppose if there are more than 10,000 users then 10000*30=300000 days in a month and 36 lac days in a year. And 24*3600000=864000000 hours in a year by ten thousand users. This is the very small amount of user. There are more people and figures.


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